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Interior Design Malaysia


Timeless Elegance: Modern Living Area Transformation in a Bungalow Renovation

24 May

Design Bliss Completed Bungalow Project Case Study : Bungalow Transformation in Petaling Jaya, Interior Design And Rebuilt by Design Bliss

At Design Bliss, we believe in creating spaces that harmonize elegance with functionality. Our latest project, “Serenity in Simplicity,” showcases the remarkable transformation of a 60-year-old bungalow in Malaysia. Spanning 6000 square feet, this timeless abode has been reimagined to meet modern sensibilities while retaining its inherent charm. Today, we’re excited to highlight the living area—an epitome of contemporary sophistication and serene simplicity.

The Living Area: A Modern Sanctuary

The heart of any home is its living area, and for this project, our interior designers envisioned a space that exudes tranquility and refined simplicity. Here’s how we brought the vision of “Serenity in Simplicity” to life:

Lighting and Ceiling Design

Before living area transformation : The original living area featured traditional ceiling lights and outdated fans, which contributed to a dim and dated atmosphere.

After living area transformation : Our interior designers installed sleek, modern ceiling fans and strategically placed recessed lighting to enhance illumination. The addition of stylish ceiling fixtures not only brightens the space but also adds a contemporary touch. The new lighting design creates a warm and inviting ambiance, perfect for both relaxation and entertaining. This is a key element in achieving the “Serenity in Simplicity” theme.

Wall and Floor Treatments

Before living area transformation : The plain walls and basic flooring lacked character and sophistication.

After living area transformation : The transformation introduced luxurious marble accents around the TV area, serving as a stunning focal point. This marble feature wall adds depth and texture, elevating the overall aesthetic. The floors, polished to perfection, now reflect light beautifully, contributing to the room’s airy and spacious feel. These changes embody the essence of “Serenity in Simplicity.”

Furniture and Layout

Before living area transformation : The living area was cluttered with mismatched furniture, resulting in a cramped and disorganized space.

After living area transformation : Our interior designers curated a selection of modern, cohesive furniture pieces that promote comfort and style. A plush sectional sofa anchors the room, offering ample seating for family and guests. The minimalist coffee table and chic shelving units provide functional yet unobtrusive surfaces for decor and storage, enhancing the room’s streamlined look. This arrangement perfectly captures the spirit of “Serenity in Simplicity

Color Scheme

Before living area transformation : The room was dominated by a conventional beige and brown palette, lacking vibrancy and contrast.

After living area transformation : Our interior designers transformed the living area into an open, barrier-free, and comfortable space, employing white and grey as the primary tones to convey an elegant outlook on life. The family can enjoy the effect of extending the space and calming down in such an open and neutral color tone. Our interior designers opted for this neutral, monochromatic color scheme, incorporating shades of white, grey, and black. This palette not only modernizes the space but also creates a calming environment. Accents of natural wood and subtle metallics add warmth and interest without overwhelming the simplicity. The chosen colors and their application are central to the “Serenity in Simplicity” design.

Décor and Accessories

Before living area transformation : Eclectic decor elements and traditional artifacts cluttered the space, detracting from its potential.

After living area transformation : Our interior designers embraced a minimalist approach to decor, selecting pieces that complement the overall design without dominating it. Abstract sculptures, modern art pieces, and carefully chosen vases and ornaments add personality and elegance. Each piece is thoughtfully placed to enhance the room’s aesthetic while maintaining a serene and uncluttered look. The careful selection of decor aligns with our “Serenity in Simplicity” vision.

Enhanced Storage Solutions

Before living area transformation : Limited storage options contributed to a perpetually cluttered environment.

After living area transformation : Innovative built-in storage solutions were integrated to maximize functionality while maintaining the room’s clean lines. Sleek shelving units and discreet cabinets offer ample space to keep belongings organized and out of sight, preserving the room’s tidy and tranquil atmosphere.

Archived The Vision: A Harmonious Blend of Elegance and Simplicity

In “Serenity in Simplicity,” the living area of this transformed bungalow now stands as a testament to the power of thoughtful design by our interior designers. By marrying modern elements with serene simplicity, Design Bliss has created a space that is not only visually stunning but also supremely functional. This elegant yet understated living area is the perfect reflection of our client’s desire for a modern sanctuary within their beloved home.

At DesignBliss, we are committed to turning your design dreams into reality. If you’re inspired by this transformation and looking to rejuvenate your own space, our team of experts is here to help.

Unlock The Door to Your Personalized Modern Minimalism

Serenity in Simplicity” is more than just a renovation project; it embodies our unwavering commitment to excellence and innovation in interior design Malaysia. At Design Bliss, we passionately curate spaces that inspire and delight, where every detail reflects a story of craftsmanship and creativity. Join us in transforming houses into homes, one project at a time.

At Design Bliss, we’re an interior design company in Malaysia specializing in residential and commercial projects, dedicated to creating spaces that inspire, uplift, and transform. Join us on this journey of discovery as we continually push the boundaries of design, one project at a time. Connect with us today to embark on your own journey of creating serenity in simplicity.

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